Part of the Forward Education Trust

Home School Agreement

‘By working together we promote a positive atmosphere where our children can succeed and achieve their best’.

As a school we aim to: 

  • Ensure that your child achieves his/ her potential as a valued member of the school community. 
  • Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which wherever possible meets the individual needs of your child. 
  • Reflect and respect the cultural and linguistic diversity of parents and children in the work of the school. 
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and provide opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.  
  • Agree future educational targets at the statutory annual review of your child’s EHCP. 
  • Inform you of concerns around your child’s work or behaviour.  
  • Keep you informed about school activities through regular letters, newsletters and information about special events.  
  • Respond to your concerns quickly and effectively. 
  • Celebrate your child’s success with you. 
  • Provide inclusive opportunities to develop links with the wider community.  
  • Ensure that staff are available during parent consultations.  
  • Provide you with a home school diary to aid communication.   

As parents we ask you to: 

  • Send your child to school suitably dressed with appropriate clothing for lessons, e.g. swimming clothes, clothes for outdoor wear.  
  • Notify the school if your child is ill and keep your child at home for the time required (48 hours from last bout of sickness and or diarrhoea). 
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines.  
  • Support your child’s learning both in the classroom and beyond (outdoor classroom, playground and surrounding area of the school). 
  • Let the school know of any concerns or problems that may affect your child’s behaviour/ mental health and wellbeing.  
  • Attend annual reviews, medicals and progress meetings in school to discuss your child’s development and needs.  
  • Agree educational targets for the coming year at the review of your child’s EHCP.  
  • Attend meetings to help you get to know the school.  
  • Use the home/ school diary to communicate with staff at school.  
  • Inform the guides/ school if transport is not needed.  
  • Accompany your child to the bus in the morning and be at home to receive them at the end of the school day.  
  • Inform the school of any changes to your child’s personal details, e.g. home phone number, change of address etc.  
  • Inform the school of any changes in medication for your child.  
  • Provide emergency contact numbers for your child.  
  • Avoid taking holidays in term time in line with government guidelines.  

Thank you for your support. 
